Scholarships and Student Achievement

Students work hard and do incredible things while in high school and college. FerskenED wants to recognize and encourage these students with scholarships and early funding to take their ideas from concept to business.

Do you know a student who has done something incredible? Submit them as a candidate for scholarship today!

Teachers also get creative and think outside the box as they strive to support the next generation. Know of a teacher who went above and beyond? We want to know about it. We would love to give them a teacher scholarship and recognize them during one of our FerskenED Edupreneur Mastermind sessions.

Want to donate to students and teachers?

You can select the amount to donate to teachers and students for the scholarship fund. The best news is that 100% of the donation (minus stripe fees) will go toward gifting to students and teachers. Perhaps it will be used to help offset the college fees of a University student or maybe to help fund their college side-hustle business in the EdTech space. It could go to paying for a teacher's new education related product or service or maybe even to funding their specific need within their classroom!